To loan a bank to a Bank is not possible. Not for us. It is not a Joke.
It is a reality
"It was 1995 when we produced the first mobile armored prefabricated structure and rent it to one branch of Banca Popolare - Mr. Luciano Meschiari says, owner of Meschiari Office, the company that owns the Trademark Prestibank-. We had to restructure a bank in a small Town centre, so we decided to bring in our modular format. Then we produced a second and then a third one. At that point, we had the certainty that our idea was valid and that actually there was a market request that we have been able to respond to".
The real need for such structure was not clear even to those lenders still doing renovations and continuing to pursue there activities "in a yard".
Mobile Armored Bank and a dynamic competitive strategy has permitted the restructuring of a Bank and still allowed them to serve the market and maintain high quality services.
"With my work, explains Meschiari, I followed several renovations and I noticed the difficulties that Customers and
Employees experienced. It seemed be logical to conceive, plan and bring ours products to make the Bank, Costumers and
Employees secured again. To be able to work freely, both in terms of operation and economic, is completely different then working
in a space shared by bankers and engineers, masons and plumbers. We, explain Meschiari, are able to give technical assistance and
to solve all the bureaucratic problems at 360°. According with our business philosophy, this is a “turnkey” service. Ours is acti
ve assistance to Customers”. From back then to today we have loaned our modular format to more than one hundred Prestibank's loca
tions: the surface can vary from 50 to 400 square meter (530 to 4300 square foot)
We know that the needs are different from time to time, so our business has always focused on personalized customers requirements.
No standardization, except to maintain consistent levels of safety and service which are our cornerstones.
"Of course we know that timing is very important: so, in addition to flexibility, we worked a lot on installation timing. According to the complexity of the situation and the amount of modules to be set up, we can assemble and give ours Mobile Armored Banks to our costumers in a time ranging between 2 to 5 days".
The first Mobile Armored Banks were quite basic, then we made several improvements: we created a series of armored containers coated outside in marine plywood and inside in solid hardwood, because in addition to functionality, aesthetics has an important role.
Inside, Prestibank is similar to traditional branches, comfortable for Costumers and Employees.
To provide our Costumers the best operation is our Mission, our Job is to produce results.
With Prestibank we create safe space to save your time.