Meschiari s.r.l. - Carpi (MO), Italy, Via Morbidina di Quartirolo 2/D - P. iva: Mo 03826480364e-mail:

Our culture is complementary to customers' needs. With our prefabricated mobile armored our clients can maintain their local presence and continue providing an important service to customers.

Our actions is designed for people. Our efforts are many, respond to what we consider a primary goal: to work to answer the needs of people (to work to improve the common well-being).


Under emergency, two days after the earthquake that injured Abruzzo, we have installed in a very short time fifteen Mobile Armoured Prefabricated for Banks operating in L'Aquila. A challenge, seen the situation, but we are very proud to have faced and overcome because it give us a human and social value to our know-how.
We are therefore proud to have contributed to Abruzzo's recover and return to normality. This is for us, corporate social responsibility.


For Grandi Stazioni, a brand of Ferrovie dello Stato, we produced and rent ticket counters and Mobile Armored Banks during renovation works in the central stations in Turin, Naples and Verona.


During the renovation of City Hall of Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna), we rented a Mobile Armoured Prefabricated fitted up municipal offices, like registry and various services to the public over 300 sq. m.


We built Mobile Security Prefabricated Structure for chemist's, the first one in the town of Soliera (Modena).


At the presence of the Mayor of Padua, Flavio Zanonato, ribbon cutting of the Bank Branch of Antonveneta, M.P.S. Group which, thanks to one of ours Mobile Armored Bank, offers a valuable service to the Hospital and University Branch of Padua: more than 5.000 employees, nearly 1.600 beds, specialty recognized internationally as the cardiac - heart transplant, laboratory medicine, pediatrics. We are proud to help enable a service in a large hospital around which health and life expectancy of thousands of people.